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Come to the Water recorded in 1973
Grace Enough recorded in 1975

Come to the Water / Grace Enough

  • Come to the Water
    1. For Those Tears I Died
    2. Had it not Been (solo: Menno Beachy)
    3. Jesus Will Outshine Them All
    4. We Shall Shine as the Stars (men's octet)
    5. Sweeter Gets the Journey
    6. A Hill Called Mt. Calvary
    7. The Resurrection Morning
    8. The Kind Shepherd
    9. Dear Spirit, Lead Me
    10. He's More Than Just a Swear Word (Yoder trio)
    11. The Lighthouse
    12. Tears Are a Language
    13. Thank You for the Valley
    14. Fill My Cup, Lord (duet: Naomi Beachy, Phil Beachy)
    Grace Enough
    15. Grace Enough
    16. That's Just His Way
    17. Thank God, I Am Free
    18. Who Am I?
    19. Gott Ist Die Liebe
    20. This is Just What Heaven Means to Me
    21. Wasted Years (solo: Phil Beachy) Though Your Sins as
    Scarlet Be
    22. Sweet, Sweet Spirit
    23. Why Me? (solo: Menno Beachy)
    24. Lo! My Shepherd is Divine!
    25. This is My Valley
    26. Peace, Joy, and Love
    27. No Troubles in Heaven (Yoder trio)
    28. I'll Live For Him/Alleluia

 Sales:  (814) 662-9420

The Mountain Anthems

441 Springs Rd.

Grantsville, Md. 21536

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