Both of these recordings were recorded in 1972
'Til the Storm... / Where No One...
- 'Til the Storm Passes By
1. Bless the Lord
2. I Need Thy Pardon Lord
3. Am I a Soldier of the Cross
4. The Music of Heaven (solos: Pauline Swartzentruber,
Verda Tice
5. One Drop of the Blood
6. A Home in Heaven (solo: Robert Miller, duet: Robert
Miller, Ruth Miller)
7. I'll Have a New Life
8. The Lord is My Light
9. Quiet Sea
10. Soldiers of Christ Arise
11. O Sing Unto the Lord (solos: Shirley Yoder, Alma Beachy)
12. The Treasures of Heaven
13. Secret Prayer (duet: Phil Beachy, Naomi Beachy)
14. 'Til the Storm Passes By
Where No One Stand Alone
15. Where No One Stands Alone (solo: Menno Beachy)
16. Surely Goodness and Mercy
17. He Took Away My Yesterdays (trio: Shirley, Irene and
Glenda Yoder)
18. Blessed Are the People
19. I Love Jesus
20. There is a Happy Land (high alto: Pauline Yoder)
21. Where Will You Be (solo: Phil Beachy)
22. Lord, I Thank You
23. I Will Sing of the Mercies (high alto: Pauline Yoder)
24. The Cross Made the Difference (trio: Shirley, Irene and
Glenda Yoder)
25. Jesus Prayed Alone (duet: Verda Tice, Pauline Yoder)
26. He Knows Just What I Need (quartet: Shirley, Glenn and
Pauline Yoder, Marvin Kinsinger)
27. Jesus Signed My Pardon (duet: Phil Beachy, Naomi Beachy)
28. Waiting at the Cross (reading: Alma Beachy, Paul